Types of Central Vacuum Bags
A proper central vacuum bag and filter prevent you from having to handle everything you've vacuumed over the past months. With a vacuum bag and vacuum filter in your system, the incoming suction carries dirt, dust, and debris from all vacuumed surfaces... including the air around you. Dirt is then separated from the air with a paper or cloth central vacuum bag and exhausted through your filter. By allowing the combination of your vacuum bag and filter to clean the indoor air and capture debris at the same time, it not only increases the life of your motor but, releases relatively cleaner air. Other [cyclonic] central vacuum fails to include a vacuum bag but, a bagged system is the cleanest and hygienic way to vacuum.
Paper Central Vacuum Bags
These types of central vacuum bags eliminate mold spores, bacteria, and fungi from growing. No cleaning of the canister is required and there will be no dust in your face upon dumping. A paper central vacuum bag is rated as the best form of protection for allergy sufferers which also eliminates foul odors and filters indoor air while vacuuming. Central vacuum bags are also recognized as the initial line of defense in protecting your motor. With no mess and no hassle, it will only take you 20 seconds to change your paper central vacuum bag.
Cloth Central Vacuum Bags
Many cloth bags offer HEPA Teflon filtration. This is the most technologically advanced filtration on the market. For the best filtration, it is recommended that a HEPA Filter be used together with a cloth central vacuum bag. Don't forget, using a cloth central vacuum bag along with a solid central vacuum filter will offer the best performance and protection from dirt, dust, pet dander, lice, fleas & their eggs, hair, dead insects, dead skin, spiders, roaches, rotten food particles, bacteria, germs, allergens, and other lung-damaging particles.
How often are you supposed to change central vacuum bags?
A lot depends on what you are vacuuming and how often you vacuum. It is recommended to change the central vacuum bag when it is no more than 1/2 full or every 6 months. A loss of suction can be felt if the vacuum bag is bogged down by debris. Fine dust, pet hair, and dander can clog your central vacuum bag faster than regular dust. When changing the central vacuum bags regularly will prolong the life of the motor and keep your central vacuum running at its peak performance.
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