
Automatic Dustpans For Honeywell Central Vacuum Systems

  Central vacuum dustpans are designed as an in-home vacuum port that gets installed underneath a kitchen or bathroom cabinet or into a baseboard. These automatic dustpans for   central vacuums allow you to activate your   central vacuum by opening the port with your foot, engaging suction. This allows you to sweep debris into the vacuum port and have it deposited into your   built-in vacuums canister with ease.
Why Would I Need To Use A Central Vacuum Automatic Dustpan?
A central vacuum dustpan installation can be a very useful tool to consider when installing your central vacuum system. These dustpans or toe kicks are better known as an under cabinet vacuum system, as they are typically installed under a kitchen or bathroom cabinet. Why would this be a useful feature? It allows you to sweep dirt, crumbs, and debris in smaller spaces like kitchens and bathrooms without having to lug around a bulky central vacuum hose. You simply use your foot or the tips of your toes to kick open the port and this will activate the suction of your central vac. You can then simply use a broom to sweep away debris with little to no effort.
Why Would I Need To Use A Central Vacuum Automatic Dustpan?
A central vacuum dustpan installation can be a very useful tool to consider when installing your central vacuum system. These dustpans or toe kicks are better known as an under-cabinet vacuum system, as they are typically installed under a kitchen or bathroom cabinet. Why would this be a useful feature? It allows you to sweep dirt, crumbs, and debris in smaller spaces like kitchens and bathrooms without having to lug around a bulky central vacuum hose. You simply use your foot or the tips of your toes to kick open the port and this will activate the suction of your central vac. You can then simply use a broom to sweep away debris with little to no effort.
What Kinds Of NuTone Central Vacuum Dustpans Are There?
The most common central vac toe kick is the original Vacpan. The Vacpan offers easy installation by inserting into a 6-3/4” x 1-3/4” high slot cut into a cabinet or baseboard. The intake then runs up through the top of the Vacpan and connects to either hard pipes PVC or connects to a Flexi Hose to allow the vacuum dustpan to connect to the NuTone central vacuum piping. Among many other automatic dustpan styles, the 2nd most common one is the Vacusweep. When it comes to Vacpan vs. Vacusweep the only difference is the Vacusweep has a toe kick switch that lifts upward and its connection runs straight through the back of the Vacusweep connecting the port to the rest of the piping.
We offer many other Dustpan styles such as the all-new Vac N Clean and Vacport with LED lighting. These lights will illuminate under the cabinet allowing you to not only see that the dirt is being swept into these ports under the cabinets. These LED lights provide a luxurious finish to any kitchen or bathroom.
Will These Central Vacuum Dustpans Work With My NuTone Built-In Vacuum System?
Yes, our automatic dustpan our fully compatible with your NuTone Central Vacuum system. These are similar to inlets and can be installed no matter what brand of central vacuum you own. Each style toe kick although they perform the same function will have slightly different dimensions. Before you install make sure you measure accordingly to the vac sweep to make sure your cut is accurate under your cabinet or in your baseboard. These dustpans also come in a variety of colors to suit the decor of your home.
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