What is the correct pipe for central vacuums?
Approve Your Schedule 40
Plumbing PVC Pipe???
Effective in Western U.S.A. as of Jan. 1, 2015

Dave Schenk
HP Products
A Direct quote from Dave Schenk
Dave Schenk, considered the "Guru" of central vacuums, is a well respected leading expert in the central vacuum industry with over 31 years of experience, and a good friend in the industry.
Always Use Central Vacuum Thin-Wall
Schedule 20 PVC
This is the ONLY vacuum pipe in North America that has been "CERTIFIED" and listed by IAPMO. As explained in February's issue of Central Vac Professional - this standard is now being enforced in 19 states effective January 1, 2006.
Never Use plumbing PVC
99% of all Central Vacuum Companies Will Advise Against Using Plumbing PVC & So-Called Adaptors Which Can Cause Clogs In The Vacuum System. Before You Have To Tear Down Your Walls...
Simply ask these companies, "should I use schedule 40
plumbing pvc when installing a central vacuum system?"
Nutone Central Vacuum Company 1-888-336-6151 |
Beam® Central Vacuum Company 1-800-369-2326 |
Hayden Central Vacuum Company 1-800-461-5300 |
Eureka Central Vacuum Company 1-800-282-2886 |
M & S / Airvac Central Vacuum Company 1-800-421-1587 |
Hoover Central Vacuum Company 1-623-337-5931 |
Honeywell Central Vacuum Company 1-800-601-3099 |
Buckeye Corporation 1-800-241-3782 |
Schedule 40 Plumbing PVC
You may find some misleading claims circulating online regarding the use of regular schedule 40 plumbing pvc and so-called adaptors. Claims such as "Thicker is Better", "More Air Flow" and "Commercial Use" simply aren't true. One internet source claims that schedule 40 pvc is used in commercial or industrial settings which is also very misleading and untrue. When installing a central vacuum in a commercial setting, schedule 20 pvc is also used. Piping does not vary from residential to commercial installations. Schedule 20 central vacuum pvc has been used in this industry for over 35 years and is the industry standard.
Schedule 40 plumbing pvc may in fact be larger and thicker, but this does not equate
to better air flow and/or better performance. Plumbing pvc fittings are very restricting due
to a much smaller radius. Schedule 20 pvc uses larger, sweeping elbows for more air flow.
Also, Schedule 20 pvc's smooth internal surface prevents harmful air flow resistance.
While this may work well for water flow, it is the very opposite for air flow.
The use of a so-called adaptor only creates more potential for clogging.

Central Vacuum Tubes & Fittings

An update on the Building Code & ASTM F2158 activities for the central vacuum cleaning industry.
Article by Ralph Guinn, product manager, Vacuum, Codes & Approvals. Vaculine. Canplas Industries Ltd.
HAYDEN, VACUSWEEP, VACULINE, VACUVALVE, SUPERVAC, and SUPERHOSE are trademarks owned by Canplas Industries Ltd.
Most jurisdictions in the following states are covered by the Uniform Mechanical Code
Alaska • Arizona • California • Colorado • Hawaii • Idaho • Kansas • Montana • Nevada • Nebraska • New Mexico • North Dakota • Oklahoma • Oregon • South Dakota • Texas • Utah • Washington • Wyoming • **Other States To Follow
History of ASTM F2158Following three years of commitment to the process of the creating an ASTM standard for central vacuum fittings by the major participants in the central vacuum industry, we were pleased to advise you in April 2004, that the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) had introduced F2158 a "Standard Specification for Residential Central-Vacuum Tube and Fittings." Revisions to the standard in 2005 are making progress through the ASTM system to include resizing tube dimensions to more reflect real life and improved testing methods for fittings, to ensure they will stand up over time. ASTM F11 group, responsible for central vacuums, are also writing a new Installation Practices Standard that will include metal pipe and fittings.
Why was the Standard developed?
The main reason for the F2158 Standard was to promote the harmonization of central vacuum fitting and tubing sizes so that an installer could use any ASTM manufactured product and know it would fit. Another reason for the Standard was to help ensure that only fittings
manufactured to this Standard would be used in a residential installation. In this way the industry could present a consistent dependable quality product to the increasing demand for central vacuum installations and ensure the reputation of central vacuums would not suffer because of inconsistent products. The type of fittings included are Elbows, Sweep Tee's, 2 Inch Couplings and Wyes. Everything that is between the back of the mounting plate, to the inlet of the power unit. It does not include inlet valves, mounting plates, pipe straps and accessories.
Compliance Organizations
To ensure that any manufactured products remains true to its design, society has accepted the "marks of compliance" from designated Third Party Approval organizations. We see this with electrical products and Underwriter Laboratories (UL) and Plumbing Products with The National Sanitation Foundation (NSF). The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) while also being a leading Plumbing Third Party Approval Agency will also approve and monitor the quality of manufactured central vacuum tube and fittings. IAPMO, are also the authors and administrators of the Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC), the Code that references the requirements for central vacuum installations.
Why Choose FlowMax Gold?
Here are the key factors why several Central Vacuum OEM’s have made FlowMax Gold
their only pipe of choice and why it is the best vacuum tubing on the market…
High-Quality Material
FlowMax Gold is produced only from 100% virgin PVC material. We use no recycled material or ground-up plastic of any type in FlowMax Gold. This recycled material basically comes from discarded plastic products or scrap that is gathered together, ground up, reheated, and re-extruded into vacuum pipe. Scrap material typically varies from lot to lot depending on what has been ground up. The nature of scrap makes it hard to keep out foreign materials. Because of this, reused plastic often contains foreign materials like metal, stone or other non-PVC plastic materials that can cause poor glue adhesion, holes, tears, rough inside surfaces, inconsistent wall thicknesses, out-of-spec diameters, or easily cracked pipes.
Easier and Faster Installation
FlowMax Gold is manufactured to rigorous standards to ensure part to part consistency. Better cuts, consistent fit to fittings, and superior cement adhesion let you get the installation done right and quickly the first time – every time. Sorting pipe at the job site, having to cut out bad sections, or in the worst case, getting a callback to the job site of a finished home where finished walls must be torn apart to find a leak, all rob you of your time and profit.Superior Fit to Fittings
Have you ever had a problem with your fittings being too loose or falling off the pipe? Have you ever had to hammer a fitting on to the end of a pipe? If so, you’ve probably been seeing the effects of bad or inconsistent pipe outside diameter.
Using our proprietary, outside diameter production control technology, we have remarkable control on the outside diameter of our FlowMax Gold. This means a superior and very consistent fit.
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