Five Attachments You Didn’t Know We Had

Rigid shop vacuum attachments

Numerous Best Vacuum Attachments

At Think Vacuums we offer vacuum attachments for the different cleaning tools. A central vacuum system provides ample time to use room-by-room and gives you a more thorough clean by removing and accumulating the dirt to a central location. To clean every corner of the house, try our central vacuum attachments.

1. The Fleece Upholstery Tool

The Fleece Upholstery central shop vacuum attachment provides an even cleaning mechanism and protects fabric with smooth fleece pads.

2. The Mini Blind Tool

The Mini Blind central vacuum attachment tool is designed in such a way that can gently clean many rows at a time in a convenient way. It is easy to clean and maintain a mini blind tool

3. The Pet Grooming Brush

Cleaning the pet puffs may be tiring hence it is recommended to use a pet groom brush while rubbing down your pet. You can also remove loose hairs with a brush central vacuum attachment tool . For easy cleaning the rubber bristles should be removed off the brush.

4. The Swivel Neck Hardwood Floor Tool

The Swivel Neck Hardwood Floor Tool can gently clean your floors from side-to-side and up and down. It can also be used on hard surfaces to remove dirt.

5. The Spider Fighter

Shop vacuum attachments

Vacuum Attachments

The spider fighters are rigid central vacuum attachments that can be used to clean ceiling fans, light fixtures, and crown holdings.

Contact us today for more information on a quality central vacuuming system and other amazing central rigid shop vacuum attachments.

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