Protect your Home Interior with a Ducted Vacuum Hose Sock

The best central vacuum hose coverA protective hose sock is a perfect addition to every tremendous ducted vacuum system. The sock design is enhanced to work with all ducted vacuum hoses from 9 to 12 meters in length. It also keeps the hose from scraping or scratching the floors and walls when vacuuming.

Protecting your interior decorations is the most significant advantage of adding a sock to your hose. Still, there's much to be benefited by making this part of your ducted vacuum package:

• The sock prevents the noise of the tube so that the ducted cleaner is much quieter.

• The hose glides effortlessly along the surfaces of the floor with a seamless sock coating.

• Skirting baseboards/boards are covered while pulling the hose from place to place.

Types of ducted vacuum hose sock:

Knitted Hose Sock

These are shape-fitting types that give protection without raising the size or weight of your vacuum hose. Initially, some work includes placing the sock on your hose, but this is a one-time task when you protect your hose sock with subtle links at the ends.

For a knitted hose sock, you'll find it much smoother to switch from place to place, drag the hose around the corners and through the hallways, and the paintwork won't reveal any traces of hose scars.

We also deliver pre-fitted socks if you're trying to buy a new hose and wouldn't want to bother assembling the sock yourself.

Ducted Vacuum Hose Sock

Premium Ducted Vacuum Hose Sock is a beautifully padded style with a high-quality hidden zipper for quick insertion and removal. Besides, this sock is a washable commodity that offers you a long-term remedy.

The sleek, silky exterior guarantees that your hose glides smoothly over all floor surfaces. Moreover, the quilted padding leaves all your paintwork and finished furniture looking like new. 

It's not a shape-fitting style like a knitted hose sock and can make the hose look marginally heavier. Still, there's no significant rise in weight as the quilting, and the outer fabric is lightweight.

This hose sock design provides the highest degree of protection for polished wood and high-gloss paintwork, as the padding negates the effect of the tough ridges on your vacuum hose.

Hide-A-Hose HS502104 Hose Replacement Kit-40ft

Hide a hose sockWhen you have a central vacuum, you're going to be able to refer to the enormous benefit of a hose sock. The central vacuum hose material is ribbed rubber that can inflict dents, scratches, streaks, and scuff marks on the furniture and walls. The hose sock protects the vacuum hose, which creates a buffer between the ribbed hose material and the walls, making it difficult for the hose to damage.

The Hide-A-Hose system comes equipped with a hose sock, already installed, and this is a repair package for the Hide-A-Hose 40-foot hose socket, and you would use the hose socket for your Hide-A-Hose. The Hide-A-Hose sock is washable and removable. Since the hose sock lies on your floor while you clean, it can get dusty. This sock can be washed and re-washed quickly.

This kit contains a sleeve sock, a cardboard tube, and a sock assembly guide ring. Note-The sock is not pre-installed on the hose. If this is all you need, you should buy the hose sock.

Think Vacuums Central Vacuum Hose Socks and Related Products

Central vacuum hose socks come in several lengths and designs. You can buy a slide on your hose at the lowest price, but it's a little tricky to mount. You should watch our video for guidance and see what's involved. A quilted zip-up hose sock is the simplest to pull in and out and comes in green, brown, and burgundy. The quilted socks are 30ft to 35ft in length. VacSoc is a hyper stretch sock you can buy if you have a 35ft or a 40ft hose. The primary slide-on hose socks are available in the broadest range of lengths. They are available in sizes ranging from 30ft. to 50 ft. 

When you're looking at our vacuum hose sock, don't hesitate to check out our wide array of models, parts, and accessories. We also have genuine bags and filters available for nearly every model of central vacuum. Visit our Think Vacuums stores for a full look at the central vacuum accessories. If you have any concerns, please contact us at 954-341-6072. Our technical support team responding to our phones knows the goods and products you need!

References and Resources

Clean Obsession 

Vacuum Cleaners